Zenith's Project Management Team: Ensuring Smooth Client Transitions

Zenith American Solutions (“Zenith”) Project Management Team has a proven track record of delivering timely and accurate client implementations, with each transition carefully tailored to meet our clients' unique needs. This comprehensive approach provides a host of benefits, ensuring each client's journey with us is smooth and successful.

The Discovery Phase: Building a Strong Foundation

The initial phase of our onboarding process is known as "discovery." During this phase, we engage with the Administrator, Trustees, and Plan Professionals to scrutinize the details of each plan.

A Dedicated Implementation Team for Every New Client

To guarantee the success of every transition, we assign a specialized team of experienced professionals to each new client. This team is composed of various roles, each contributing to the overall success of the project. 

  • Project Sponsor aligns business priorities, clears obstacles, and governs communications.

  • Program and Project Managers control projects using project management methodologies.

  • Client Relationship Team manages client relationships.

  • Operations Subject Matter Experts contribute expertise in functional areas.

  • Test Lead and Quality Assurance Engineers manage quality assurance

  • Information Technology (IT) includes developers, Business Systems Analysts, and infrastructure resources.

  • Business Automation focuses on innovation and process improvement.

  • Requirements Analysts work on eliciting, analyzing, and managing project requirements.

Additional support functions are leveraged as needed to ensure every aspect of the transition is covered.

Comprehensive Approach Yields Exceptional Outcomes

By employing a dedicated team and a thorough, methodical approach, Zenith ensures that each client experiences a smooth and successful transition. Our highly configurable and flexible systems are designed to be built from the ground up, tailored to the specific needs of each client. This detailed planning and execution help us achieve exceptional outcomes, making us a trusted partner for client funds across the U.S.

In summary, our commitment to a comprehensive and client-focused onboarding process sets Zenith apart. By understanding and addressing the unique needs of each client, we ensure a seamless transition, paving the way for a successful and long-lasting partnership.


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