Cut Your Specialty Drug Costs in Half with Zenith PharmAssist

Knowing that our clients endlessly battle rising healthcare costs, Zenith stays committed to building and continuously enhancing a suite of cost containment solutions that assist our funds in their efforts. 

Our cost containment solutions have saved our customers over $125M in medical and pharmacy spend in the last 5 years alone.

It’s no secret that specialty drug costs are on the rise, sharply increasing as more medications get approved for additional diagnoses. While these drugs can better the health outcomes for the members in need, often times just a few members can drive almost half of the total plan costs. While PBMs offer rebates and copay assistance programs to help, these programs only return a portion of the out of pocket costs.  In addition to only covering a fraction of the cost, these refunds can take months to receive.

Zenith PharmAssist program includes a specialty funding solution that can eliminate 50% of your current costs. 

Big pharma allots billions of dollars every year to help patients cover the cost of these expensive drugs, but did you know that over 90% of the budgeted funding goes unused? 

Our concierge team can enroll members in these programs thus eliminating their cost share with as little as one phone call that can take less than 10 minutes.  

This program benefits the members by eliminating the out of pocket costs for these drugs, and often times eliminates the full cost for the fund as well.

Our enrolled funds are enjoying deep savings from the ZAS Specialty Funding Program. Please reach out to your Client Service Executive or Business Development Representative for additional details to complete a savings analysis specific to your fund. 


One Client Fund is Saving an Estimated $1.3 Million Per Year Through Zenith’s Dependent Audit Verification Process


DC Plan Income Disclosures are Coming